
Daniel Botana

What's New in Percussion.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

The Percussion Arts Society

            Drum Roll Please…This week’s post is all about PAS, the Percussive Arts Society.  As percussionists we have to be aware of certain organizations that exist to teach us about an industry we are so passionate about. PAS is an organization with over 7,000 members and 50 chapters located across the United States with another 28 international chapters. Our industry is filled with passionate drummers.  We just have to network with them; but, first let’s learn a little about PAS.

            PAS is located in Indianapolis. They host one of the biggest percussion conventions, the Percussive Arts Society International Convention.  This convention hosts the top names in the world of percussion. PAS is all about promoting percussion, education, research and performances. However, how does PAS relate to what I have in store for the industry that I am so passionate about?
            Well, The Percussive Arts Society has many things to offer. The most important thing that PAS has to offer is its network. The network that PAS has built up is what all of us percussionists should be taking advantage of. One particular theme in most of my posts is, impact the industry you are most passionate about. I love drums, but in order to leave my mark I must find those that can help me make my impression. Aside from its network, PAS can also help you further develop your talent through the clinics it offers. If we want to change something about what we love, we must be fluent in the language of percussion. The only way to be fluent is to be educated and to practice!
            PAS is an organization creating a future for drummers across the world. Head on over to and check out more information! You will be impressed as to the opportunities this organization can create for you! Do what you love! Keep on drumming!

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