
Daniel Botana

What's New in Percussion.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Ludwig's Vistalite History

Drum Roll Please…. This week I want to talk about acrylic drum sets. I have always been obsessed with the look of an acrylic kit. However, I never actually researched how acrylic drum sets came to be. So let me tell you a story about Ludwig.

            When I think of Ludwig, the first thing that comes to mind is a beginner’s kit. When I went to Sam Ash to do some research on different drum sets, Ludwigs always seemed to me as a good beginner’s kit. However, I never knew that it was Ludwig that created the first acrylic drum sets in 1972. The notorious drummer that made these beautiful pieces of art so famous was John Bonham of Led Zeppelin. Although acrylic kits sold like hot cakes, those at Ludwig still had many kinks to work out because acrylic kits, in the 70s, failed to maintain shell integrity. The acrylic would crack and tear, due to retuning and tightening of drumheads. Despite the challenges, Ludwig persevered and in 2001 they launched newly modified Vistalite kits.
            Ludwig’s Vistalite kits now deliver a tone that is pure with a round tone. They sound as if they are just in full attack mode when being struck. The shells are now fully stabilized due to dual reinforced seams. On stage these kits make a statement that’s for sure! It is because of Ludwig’s perseverance that acrylic drum sets are now made by other companies such as RCI Starlite, Acrylic Drums Heaven, Risen Drums, DDrum and many more. One day, I will rock an acrylic kit of my own, but for now give a shout out to Ludwig for their endless effort in changing the world of percussion.

1 comment:

  1. Hello,
    Always check the set you intend to buy to see if the stands are double braced or not,beginner drum sets and if the bass drum pedal is flimsy. You also need to take a look at the cymbal stands and look for boom arms, which will provide better cymbal placement.
