
Daniel Botana

What's New in Percussion.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

dB DrumShoes

        Drum Roll Please...this week’s post is all about dB Drumshoes. Yup that’s right I said it, “DrumShoes”. Shoes specifically designed for drummers. The crazy thing about drummers is that I personally know many that love playing without shoes. However, most of us can be a bit hardheaded because even though we cut ourselves up many if us still don’t wear shoes while we play. So some may ask well why do drummers like to play drums barefoot? Well some feedback that I have received has been that they can’t feel the pedal when they play with shoes also that, it allows for easier and faster pedaling. For some shoes are too heavy so they resort to play without shoes. That is where dB got the idea to make shoes specifically designed for drummers from.
            dB Drumshoes “Designed by a drummer for drummers!” This is another perfect example of a passionate percussionist finding an unmet need in a market and taking advantage of it! The Groove is a pair of mesh shoes that have a low-cut ankle with padding for your heel. It also has arch support on top of anti-microbial insole liner. It is also flexible on the outer sole, toe support and unique laces. These features are important because there are two different ways to play the bass drum with your foot, heel down or heel up. Another awesome thing about dB is that their shoes have been rocked by some pretty heavy names. Names include Sam Applebaum from Veil of Maya, Boone Daughdrill from The Band Perry, Matt Byrne from Hatebreed, Ben Harclerode from White Chapel, Chris Adler from Lamb of God, Chicago’s Tris Imboden and Cannibal Corpse’s Paul Mazurkiewicz. What a lineup of artists that have tested these shoes out!
            As I keep stumbling across these innovative companies, I ask myself what will I find next or better yet who will I find next that decides to change and impact an industry that they truly love. The percussion industry is an industry all about making and creating sound. These days nothing sounds the same anymore and something can always be changed about the way one thing sounds. For a drummer there is always an adventure and a mission. That is what I love about this industry so much! 

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