
Daniel Botana

What's New in Percussion.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

BLOG Post 2 for BPD

Drum Roll Please…last week I discussed by business plan and conducted some research about experts on writing business plans. This week I am going to discuss what I took away from that research and how I applied it to my business plan. The key things include: targeting your audience & continuing research.

            My business is a business that is constantly evolving and changing. When one is so passionate about a business, one can easily get distracted and stubborn and lose sight that the business is ultimately for the customer and not for the founder! So targeting your audience can never be forgotten and within my marketing plan, I have made sure to never lose sight of not only my vision but the vision of my audience and what they want out of my company and brand. Aside from targeting my audience, my business is all about research and constant research. It is all about changing the percussion industry and the percussion industry is changing on a daily basis. So for my business in particular, continuing research means finding more efficient ways to make my product as well as ultimately creating a more durable drumstick that creates new genres and styles of percussion.
            If you take a look at my business plan, you can see that I am very conservative. You can see that I am not necessarily a risk taker right off the bat because I am a perfectionist. I am such a perfectionist that I know that my company and brand must grow slowly because in the percussion industry the only thing that matters is quality and nothing else. My business slowly grows and doesn’t take any loopholes because I will never sacrifice quality. Continuing constant research is my plan because I know by continuing that work, I will one day change the percussion industry forever. Thanks for reading!

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